Monday, December 31, 2007

Rock and Roll-Wing 2!!

After a couple of hours today I got most of the left wing framed up. The landing gear block is epoxied in place and the leading edge is next to go on. After the initial learning curve, this wing will go together pretty quickly. Tonight is new year's, so the build will have to wait.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Finally! It is a Wing!

Well the sheeting is on, the leading edge is on and shaped, and the wing tip is on and shaped. I think that I created about 20 pounds of balsa dust (cough, cough). The aileron is on and lines up much better that my PT-40's. Hopefully this plane will track straight. A few more details, some more sanding and then I do it all over again for the other wing.

Friday, December 28, 2007

The top is sheeted

I got the top side sheeted this evening. No big screw-ups like yesterday. Here also is the last pic of the bottom side's guts. I hope to get all the sheeting on tomorrow. Be sure to click on the pics to see a larger view.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

It looks a little more like a wing

Here is the wing with the servo tray and landing gear block installed. I decided to go with the fixed trike landing gear. I also installed the leading edge piece and sanded it to shape. After cutting up the wrong piece of balsa, I thought that it would be best to go to bed. Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wing construction begins.

I started the wing this evening. I won't get much done over the next couple of days due to Xmas. Time to get out of the garage and visit with some family. I also found out that one of my hardwood spars is too short. We don't have a local hobby shop, so I might have to make a trip. I will try the GP people first. I have dealt with them a couple of times and they are very nice. They stand behind their product.

Nice Butt!

Here is the Stab and Rudder. Sheeted, shaped, and hinged. Wing construction is next.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Build Begins!

After building and flying a Great Planes PT-40 for awhile, I decided it was time to upgrade. Here is the saga of the GP Ultra Sport 40+ kit.
Here are the tail sections before sheeting.